Dior Eyes

In collaboration with DigitasLBi (now PublicisSapient) Paris I was part of the team creating the Dior Eyes VR experience.  Faithful to the superb quality craftsmanship for which its couture workshops are renowned, Dior conceived Dior Eyes, an ultra-immersive virtual reality headset packed with state-of-the-art technology. 

The custom designed VR headset was equipped with high-definition screens, custom lenses integrated spatial audio, creating a 3D immersion into the backstage world at a fashion show, including the sensation of 360° vision, letting visitors immerse themselves in the Dior lifestyle at fifteen select Dior locations and pop-ups around the globe.

Client: Dior

Agency: PublicisSapient

Type: VR Experience

Platform: Custom

My role: VR software platform design

Date: 2015

Learn more: Dior Eyes


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